Builder’s Profile is moving to a new home.

We are excited to announce that Builder’s Profile will migrate to the Once For All platform, home of The Builders’ Conference and Constructionline, in quarter 4 of 2023.

The move to the new platform will provide our members with a much improved and reliable platform:

  • Problems faced in the past, such as Insurance validation, limited file type uploads, and profile completeness issues to improve usability, are now a thing of the past.
  • 100% visibility to a larger network of potential customers- Put your business in the shop window by joining a network of over 1,000 Public and Private sector buyers where your profile will always be visible.
  • Access to Marketplace and grow your project pipeline – discover new opportunities faster than ever before. Search through hundreds of thousands of jobs from a wide range of portals and get instant, tailored results relevant to you.

Webinar: Introducing your new Builder’s Profile platform

On the 19th of July, we held a webinar for all Builder’s Profile members to give an overview of the new platform, covering topics such as – Why is Builder’s Profile moving? How to manage your profile and timeline for the migration.

Catch up with the webinar hosted by Hannah Pithers, Customer Services Team leader, and Mike Wood, Product Director.

Timestamps to help point you in the right direction:

0:59 – Overview
1:30 – Why are Builder’s Profile moving to a new platform?
4:21 – Platform Demo
4:39 – Logging in to the new platform
6:16 – Updating your profile
11:08 – Contacts and users for your new profile
13:23 – Benefits available to your business
19:01 – Marketplace – Find and win new work
21:44 – Updates to our memberships
23:37 – Timeline to the move
26:55 – Questions

Platform Support

Builder’s Profile Support Team

Our UK based Support desk can be contacted in 3 ways; simply by calling, emailing or live chatting 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Please be assured, you will not be discussing your company account with a robot or an automated service:

Constructionline Support

If you have questions regarding your account with Constructionline, their Support Team can also be contacted in various ways. Please click below for the more service information and support contact details on their website.

Click Here for more information on Marketplace

Click Here for more information on Acclaim Accreditation

Constructionline Support

Platform FAQ’s

Here is a small snippet of Frequently Asked Questions. There are more question and answers available, please click below for all the information.

Jump to MORE FAQs >